Cravings Decoded: What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You

Have you ever felt like your body is speaking a language you don't understand? Is it your imagination, or is your body sending you crucial signals? While some folks might brush off the idea of our bodies possessing hidden wisdom, diving deeper into the complex network of biological processes can unlock why we have intense cravings.

Sugar cravings

Food is more than a simple source of calories – it's a treasure of information. Our bodies are remarkably intuitive, broadcasting subtle messages regarding the nutrients required to operate at its best. However, as we succumb to unhealthy habits, we inadvertently rewire our brains and bodies to crave specific foods that deliver instant gratification. One moment you're flying high, and the next - barely an hour later - you're crashing hard, desperate for another pick-me-up. Sound familiar?

This phenomenon isn't restricted to expectant mothers with strange longings for unconventional substances like clay, coal, or dirt (a condition known as 'pica'). It's something we all experience on some level. So next time you feel a craving coming on, take a moment to reflect on what your body is trying to tell you!


Sugar cravings are frustratingly common, but are they as hard to beat an addiction to a class A drug? You might simply blame your lack of willpower for your sweet tooth. However, there's more happening beneath the surface than you might think.

My Functional Medicine-Sugar Cravings

Sugar cravings

Your brain relies on glucose (sugar from carbohydrates) to function. A steady release of glucose throughout the day makes you feel energized and focused. But consuming excessive amounts of unhealthy sugar can wreak havoc on your body. Sugary, fatty treats like doughnuts and chocolate cause dopamine release, which is associated with feelings of reward. This can lead you to use these foods as mood regulators and stress relievers. Still, ultimately, it sends you on an energy rollercoaster which could contribute to chronic health issues like diabetes or obesity.

But what triggers those pesky sugar cravings in the first place? Stress and fatigue cause your brain to seek more fuel sources, making sugary foods tempting targets. Sugar also plays a role in producing sleep-regulating hormones like melatonin, and studies have revealed that women may crave sweets even more during their menstrual cycles due to hormonal changes.

Don't worry – there are better ways to curb those cravings! By swapping processed and high-glycemic foods for healthier options such as whole grains, pulses, root vegetables, and quality proteins like eggs, turkey, salmon and nuts, you'll regulate glucose release more effectively. These healthier options also help produce serotonin and dopamine – satisfying your cravings without junk food!

Switching to a wholesome and nourishing alternative can be a game-changer for healthy weight loss, leaving those tempting fad diets in the dust.


The sweet stuff isn't your weakness? Maybe you're drawn to savoury, salty foods like chips, salted nuts, cheese, and crackers. This could indicate that your adrenal glands are feeling the pressure. Like sugar, cravings for salt may stem from stress, fatigue, or PMS. Your adrenals are responsible for producing stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline whenever necessary – meeting work deadlines, training for a marathon, or prepping for a big presentation.

While short-term insulin production is natural and essential, continuously depending on your adrenals can lead to fatigue and insufficient production of other hormones. These include aldosterone, renin, and angiotensin – hormones crucial for regulating blood pressure through fluid levels and electrolyte balance.

You may experience low blood pressure and salt cravings when your adrenals are exhausted and underproduced aldosterone. You might also deal with fatigue, excessive thirst, headaches, and nausea. Should you notice multiple symptoms plaguing you simultaneously, it's time to see a doctor for further examination.

Now hold on – I'm not suggesting you scarf down the salt by the pound! Consuming excessive sodium (the main component of salt) should be avoided since it can disrupt hormone balance and contribute to high blood pressure or cardiovascular issues.

The key is to tune into your body and listen to the messages it sends daily.

Collaborating with a Nutritional Therapist can vastly improve your understanding of your body and help you identify these signs as they arise. This process equips you with the tools to make positive changes that benefit your long-term health and wellness. For more information about this approach, contact My Functional Medicine Clinic.

Commonly asked questions and answers about sugar cravings

  • Sugar cravings can have various causes, such as blood sugar imbalances, dehydration, stress, poor diet quality, and hormonal changes.

  • Reducing sugar cravings often involves a combination of strategies, including maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, managing stress, addressing any underlying hormonal imbalances or nutrient deficiencies, and replacing sugary foods with healthier alternatives

  • Some healthy alternatives to sugary foods include fruit, nuts, whole grains, healthy fats like avocado, purple potatoes, dark chocolate, amaranth, chia seeds, and dark leafy greens like kale and spinach.

  • Nutritional therapy can help eliminate sugar cravings by addressing the underlying causes of the cravings and providing the body with the nutrients it needs to function optimally. Here are some ways in which nutritional therapy can help reduce sugar cravings:

    1. Balancing Blood Sugar

    2. Supplementing with Nutrients

    3. Eating Nutrient-Dense Foods

    4. Avoiding Artificial Sweeteners

    5. Managing Stress

    6. Hydrating Properly

Ingrida Makaraite

Ingrida is a registered Nutritional Therapist and a Functional Medicine Practitioner. She is trained in a gene-based personalised diet and lifestyle to optimise your health and wellness. She is also a qualified Sports Nutrition coach specialising in muscle building and fat loss.

Her mission is to teach how to apply natural medicine in your life so you too can have vibrant health, a strong body and a happy mind.

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